Wednesday 28 January 2015

10 Science Principles You See in Action Every Day

# 4


Reflection is the change in direction of a wave front at an interface between two dissimilar media so that the wave front returns into the medium from which it originated. Common examples include the reflection of lightsound, and water waves. The phenomenon of reflection is extremely valuable for our daily lives.
For instance, the reflection of visible light allows us to see objects that do not produce their own light. The reflection of microwaves is useful for radar scanners. The reflection of sound waves in a theater or concert hall enlivens an onstage production. The reflection of seismic waves allows researchers to study the Earth's structure and to prospect for petroleum and other natural resources. The reflection of visible light is also often used for aesthetic purposes.

Reflection of light may be specular (that is, mirror-like) or diffuse (that is, not retaining the image, only the energy) depending on the nature of the interface. Whether the interfaces consist of dielectric-conductor or dielectric-dielectric, the phase of the reflected wave may or may not be inverted.
When light goes from a denser medium to a less dense medium, at a certain angle of incidence, the refracted ray goes along the boundary between the two media. The incident angle on this occasion is called the critical angle for the substances.
When light goes from a denser medium to a less dense medium, as the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle, the ray reflects back to the denser medium. This phenomenon is called Total Internal Reflection.

Total Internal Reflection is a very efficient reflection, as the loss of light energy is almost negligible.

1) Reflecting prisms:

In optical instruments, right-angled prisms are widely used to divert the course of light rays. As the total internal reflection takes place within them, the loss of light energy can be kept to a minimum. So, the prisms are preferred to mirrors for the purpose of reflection.

2) Mirage

 On hot summer days or in the deserts, patches of water appear to us, some miles in front of us, only to find none when we approach them. This phenomenon is caused by the total internal reflection. The air layers on the ground become hot and less dense in these places and light, when comes down has to pass through these less-dense layers. At a certain point, the light exceeds the critical angles and the total internal reflection takes place on a vast scale, creating the illusive puddles of water.

3) Sparkles in diamonds

The sparkles inside diamonds are cause by total internal reflection. Diamond is well-known for its toughness - very dense and μ is very high; larger refractive index means smaller critical angle. Therefore, when light enters a diamond, the possibility of it being subjected to total internal reflection is very high, that in turn causes sparkles.

4) Optic fibres

Optic fibers revolutionized the communication that we take for granted today. This humble device - a thin flexible glass fiber with a coating - carries light through a distance of miles and miles, with a very little loss of its energy, thanks to total internal reflection. The trick is done by keeping the outer layer known as cladding less dense relative to the inner dense core - the first condition for total internal reflection. Since light enters almost parallel to the fibre, the angle of incidence is high and it easily exceeds the critical angle that triggers off the total internal reflection. The flexibility of the fibres, light weight, low cost and the ability to send light signals through them with very little loss of light, make then indispensable in modern communication networks.

5) Medical uses - the endoscope

This is an instrument consisting of optic fibres. It is used by the medical professionals to see inside the body. The flexibility of optic fibres contributed to the invention of this device.

Thursday 15 January 2015

10 Science Principles You See in Action Every Day



You may not know but forces are everyday life movements, by reading a book, talking, running andwriting on a page you are applying a force. They cause objects to move or stay stationary.Forces are vector quantities: they have both a magnitude and a direction.
Many things can cause forces (our muscles, car engines, springs, the gravitational pull of the Earth), in Nature there are only four fundamentally distinct types of forces. In fact in our daily lives we only directly experience two of these forces: electromagnetic forces and gravitational forces. Electromagnetic forces we usually experience as two very different phenomena. Electric, or electrostatic forces, cause the sometimes painful sparks that we feel when touching a metal object after walking across a wool carpet in bare feet. Magnetic forces cause the magnet in a compass to point towards the North Pole. It was Maxwell who first showed that electrostatic and magnetic forces are two different manifestations of one and the same phenomenon, so they are now often referred to by their common name: electromagnetic forces. Electromagnetic forces hold the electrons in orbit around the nuclei in atoms, and, as the name suggests, they also provide the basis for many of the modern ``electronic'' gadgets (radios, TVs, microwaves, computers) that we currently take for granted. Our most direct experience with electromagnetic forces comes from the fact that they are responsible for holding together the molecules that make up solid objects. Thus electromagnetic forces are also the source of the ``repulsive'' contact forces we feel when we touch or hit solid objects. Electromagnetic forces keep you from falling through the chair that you are sitting on while you read this.

The other force most important to our daily lives is gravity. It is what pulls us towards the Earth and keeps us from drifting off into space. It also keeps the Earth and other planets in orbit around the Sun. So your ability to sit motionless on the chair while reading this is caused by a balance between gravity, which is trying to pull you down, and the electromagnetic forces that hold the molecules of the chair together and keep you from ``bursting'' through it.

There are two other fundamental forces that we do not directly experience. The so called ``strong'' force holds the nucleus of the atom together. It is very short range, and cannot be felt even by the electron orbiting the nucleus. However, under the right conditions, the energy of the nuclear force can be unleashed with startling consequences, as in the case of nuclear bombs, and nuclear power plants. The fourth force is called the weak force. It is primarily responsible for the reactions in the Sun that give rise to the radiation (heat and light) that keeps us alive on Earth.

Thus, it should be clear that even though we only have direct experience with electromagnetic and gravitational forces, life on Earth depends in a crucial way on the presence, and delicate balance between, all four forces.

Examples of force abound in daily life. There is force working all around, for eg. :

(1) (i)When we walk, we put force on the ground
      (ii) When we stand say, say with a load on our head, then also we exert force on the ground.
(2) When we push open the door , we apply force on it.
(3) Two team of the players are pulling with enough force the rope in a tug of war game.
(4) We jump and come back to earth.(gravitational force)
(5) Spinning a football on your finger. 
(6)A football is kicked harder. It moves faster later after some time its force decreases due to friction.
(7)A moving bike stops when brakes are applied.
(8)Attractive forces between the bodies in universe
(9)Gravitational force attracting the ball moving up.
(10)A bull is pulling the cart due with force.
(11)A boy put his drawing paper by inserting a board pin with it on the notice board.
(12)Squeezing of wet clothes to make it dry.
(13)A glass rod is rubbed with silk so that it attracts the tiny parts of the paper towards itself.   

The image above shows an artist's rendition of a flow of events in a 13-billion year history of the Universe from the Big Bang at upper right counter-clockwise to the formation of life on Earth at lower right.

Sunday 11 January 2015

10 Science Principles You See in Action Every Day

# 6

Coriolis Effect:

you can observe the Coriolis effect in action.
 Although the Coriolis effect has a negligible impact on baseballs, it can affect the trajectory of very fast long-range projectiles like missiles and speeding bullets. During World War I, the Germans had to compensate for the Earth's movement as they fired shells at Paris with an extremely heavy howitzer that they called Big Bertha. If they hadn't taken the Coriolis effect into account, their shells, which were fired from 70 miles (112.6 km) away, would have gone astray by nearly a mile (1.6 km) [source: Veh].
So, while the Coriolis force might be called imaginary by some, its effects can be quite real. Just do everyone a favor and try not to leave your toilet unflushed for three weeks to prove that point.

How is it possible for wind to flow in curved trajectories, or even counterclockwise? The scientific explanation traces back to a mathematical equation known as the Coriolis force, and as you might imagine, it's a bit more complicated than 1+1=2. First discovered in 1835 by French scientist Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis, it demonstrates that objects moving within a rotating coordinate system do not actually deviate from their path, but simply appear to do so because of the motion of the coordinate [source: USA Today].

As air begins to flow from high to low pressure, the Earth rotates under it, serving as the object or rotating frame of reference. However, motions over its surface such as wind are subject to acceleration. At the equator, the Coriolis force is zero, but in the Northern Hemisphere, wind turns to the right of its direction of motion, while in the Southern Hemisphere, it turns to the left, making the Coriolis force one to be reckoned with when it comes to studying storms and oceanic currents.

The Coriolis force has nothing to do with making toilets rotate one way in the Northern Hemisphere and the other way in the Southern Hemisphere. It's noticeable only on large forces such as winds.

 So we can say;

coriolis force: An effect whereby a mass moving in a rotating system experiences a force (the Coriolis force ) acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation. On the earth, the effect tends to deflect moving objects to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern and is important in the formation of cyclonic weather systems.

Saturday 10 January 2015

10 Science Principles You See in Action Every Day


Magnet (Magnetism): They Are Everywhere

Fridge Magnets
We scoured high and low finding fun and interesting facts about magnets, something most people take for granted. After reading these interesting facts you'll be sure to see just how valuable magnets are to everyday life!

Magnetism is a force that occurs when materials attract or repel other materials at a distance. The most common example of this is probably on display as a magnet stuck to your fridge. A magnet has a strong magnetic field and attracts materials like the iron in your fridge door. Magnets have two poles (north and south) and will be attracted by the opposite pole and repelled by the like pole of the other magnet [source: Kurtus]. The magnet may not stick to a stainless steel fridge because that has different proportions of nickel, which tend to interfere with iron atoms.

Look around your house and in your everyday routine for magnets.  Refrigerator magnets are not the only ones!  Magnets are all around you.
Generators, remote car door locks, hard drives, CD and DVD players, elevators, credit card readers, some toys, some jewelry clasps, electric motors (e.g. washing machines, blenders, vacuum cleaners, etc.), telephones, MRI machines, some door latches, speakers (stereo, car, TV, ear buds, etc.)


Computers and Electronics:

Every computer contains magnets for data storage on hard drives and to display images on computer screens. Magnets are even inside the small speakers attached to computers, televisions and radios. In these electronics, the magnets guide electrons and metals to the appropriate place. Electrons light television and computer screens. 


Magnets have lots of benefits for the industrial world. Electric generators rely on magnets to convert mechanical energy into electricity, while some motors work in reverse using magnets to convert electricity into mechanical movement. Electromagnets in cranes grab and move large amounts of metal. In sorting machines, magnets separate metallic ores, and in the food industry they pull out small metal bits from grains and other food. Farmers even place magnets in cow's stomachs to catch any pieces of metal the cows eat out in the fields. This keeps it from traveling through and damaging the cow's intestines. Maglev Trains operate using two opposing magnets that cause the train to float, making it extremely maneuverable and fast. Magnet is used by the candy or cold drink vendors to separate the metallic cap from the lots.The most important use of the magnet is the magnetic compass which is used to find the geographical directions.

Health and Medicine:

The use of the magnets in the medical sciences is very affective. We can use magnet therapy for the pain management without any use of the medicines. The magnets can stimulate the nerves in the human body and increase the blood circulation, which carries oxygen to the tissues.The magnet are used to heal the pains and the wounds of the athletes. Doctors uses the magnets to cure arthritis, gout, spondilitis and other problems related to the nervous system. Magnetic mattress are used for relaxing the body. In MRI we use the magnets. Magnets are used to cure the depression, headaches and migraines.  

 Animals and Bird: 

Some animals and bacteria have magnetite in their bodies. A type of mollusk called a chiton even has magnetite in its "teeth," which actually cover its tongue. The magnetite is abrasive and lets the animal scrape algae, but it might also provide a homing sense, enabling chitons to find their way back to certain places where they like to mate and feed. Studies of homing pigeons seem to show that they have a magnetic sense that helps them navigate. Magnetite in the animals' beaks seems to be the key, though how big a role that magnetic sense (magnetoception) plays is unclear.


Here are just some of the useful ways you can improve your life with magnets:

  • Clean up - Spilled some tacks? Don't fret - you don't have to deal with piercing your fingers. Simply hover a magnet over the floor or surface where the pins, tacks or other objects have fallen to pick them up.

Easy storage - There are lots of ways to store or hold important household items using magnets. Try adhering one to your broom halfway down the handle. Then you can place it against the side of your fridge so it's easy to find and won't fall down. You can also attach a magnet to the pointed tip of an ironing board and one to the wall so that when you fold it up, it stays in place.
  • Keep drawers shut - If you have a cabinet door or drawer in your home that just won't stay closed, attach a block magnet to the inside panel that the door or drawer rests against with double-sided tape. Then attach another one to the door or drawer itself. The most important thing is that the two magnets are lined up properly. As long as they connect, the door or drawer will stay closed now.

Remove batteries - There's hardly anything more frustrating than trying to get a stuck battery out of its case. In those cases when the battery is being stubborn, just reach for a strong magnet to make things easier - not to mention safer. Place the magnet over the battery and it will pop out effortlessly.
  • Secure a trash bag - It's common for trash bags to sink, snag and move out of place, causing garbage to get left in the bin. As long as the bin is made of magnetic metal, you can make sure it stays firmly in place by affixing magnets around the top edges.

Locate a stud in the wall - When you're attempting to hang a photo, wall shelf or other object, it's imperative that you locate the wall stud - in fact, one inch in the wrong place and you might see an ugly hole in the drywall. All you have to do is run a magnet along the wall, though, and when you feel the force of a pull, you've found it. 
  • Display your knives - Instead of a costly knife holder, try using bar magnets to display them on your wall in a way that's appealing to the eyes.

Organize your desk - Paper clips can make a mess of your desk, but if you put a magnet inside your drawer, you can ensure they stay in one place.
  • Keep cords under control - Managing a multitude of cords can be a hassle, but magnets provide a method for keeping them organized. Unwind a metal paperclip or take the metal spring from a ballpoint pen and wrap it around a cord. Attaching a small strong magnet to the back of your desk will hold the spring - as well as the wire - in place.

Make an invisible tool holder  - Drill a series of holes in the back of a wooden board, insert disc magnets into the holes, mount the wood on a wall and you'll be able to hang all of your favorite tools onto it.

Friday 9 January 2015

10 Science Principles You See in Action Every Day


Classical States Of Matter:

Four states of matter are observable in everyday life: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. 
Each one is defined by major physical characteristics, determined in large part by the kinetic energy of molecules as well as attractive forces [source: Kurtus]. The temperature or energy determines which force wins. The higher the temperature of the molecules, the greater the kinetic energy and the faster the molecules will move.

You can see this in action by starting with a glass full of ice cubes, representing the solid state when the molecules are confined to vibrating either in place or in rotation. As the ice melts, the molecules gain enough kinetic energy to overcome the force until it becomes liquid.

If the water is boiling (or else in a very reduced pressure), the molecules are extremely energetic and their kinetic energy is greater than the attractive force between them. Thus, the water will become gas and spread beyond an open container [source: Kurtus]. The water will ultimately evaporate, though it evaporates more slowly at freezing point than boiling point because the energy required to break up the bonds holding water molecules together happens more quickly with the latter option [source: United States Geological Survey].



A substance that retains its size and shape without a container; a substance whose molecules cannot move freely except to vibrate.


A substance that flows and keeps no definite shape because its molecules are loosely packed and constantly moving. It takes the shape of its container but maintains constant volume.

A substance that can only be contained if it is fully surrounded by a container (or held together by gravitational pull); a substance whose molecules have few inter molecular bonds and can move freely.

Thursday 8 January 2015

# 9

Bernoulli's Principle:

Bernoulli's principle, physical principle formulated by Daniel Bernoulli that states that as the speed of a moving fluid (liquid or gas) increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases. The phenomenon described by Bernoulli's principle has many practical applications; it is employed in the carburetor and the atomizer, in which air is the moving fluid, and in the aspirator, in which water is the moving fluid. In the first two devices air moving through a tube passes through a constriction, which causes an increase in speed and a corresponding reduction in pressure. As a result, liquid is forced up into the air stream (through a narrow tube that leads from the body of the liquid to the constriction) by the greater atmospheric pressure on the surface of the liquid. In the aspirator air is drawn into a stream of water as the water flows through a constriction. Bernoulli's principle can be explained in terms of the law of conservation of energy. As a fluid moves from a wider pipe into a narrower pipe or a constriction, a corresponding volume must move a greater distance forward in the narrower pipe and thus have a greater speed. At the same time, the work done by corresponding volumes in the wider and narrower pipes will be expressed by the product of the pressure and the volume. Since the speed is greater in the narrower pipe, the kinetic energy of that volume is greater. Then, by the law of conservation of energy, this increase in kinetic energy must be balanced by a decrease in the pressure-volume product, or, since the volumes are equal, by a decrease in pressure.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.

How It Works:

The Swiss mathematician and physicist Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) discovered the principle that bears his name while conducting experiments concerning an even more fundamental concept: the conservation of energy. This is a law of physics that holds that a system isolated from all outside factors maintains the same total amount of energy, though energy transformations from one form to another take place.

For instance, if you were standing at the top of a building holding a baseball over the side, the ball would have a certain quantity of potential energy—the energy that an object possesses by virtue of its position. Once the ball is dropped, it immediately begins losing potential energy and gaining kinetic energy—the energy that an object possesses by virtue of its motion. Since the total energy must remain constant, potential and kinetic energy have an inverse relationship: as the value of one variable decreases, that of the other increases in exact proportion.

The ball cannot keep falling forever, losing potential energy and gaining kinetic energy. In fact, it can never gain an amount of kinetic energy greater than the potential energy it possessed in the first place. At the moment before the ball hits the ground, its kinetic energy is equal to the potential energy it possessed at the top of the building. Correspondingly, its potential energy is zero—the same amount of kinetic energy it possessed before it was dropped.

Then, as the ball hits the ground, the energy is dispersed. Most of it goes into the ground, and depending on the rigidity of the ball and the ground, this energy may cause the ball to bounce. Some of the energy may appear in the form of sound, produced as the ball hits bottom, and some will manifest as heat. The total energy, however, will not be lost: it will simply have changed form.

Bernoulli was one of the first scientists to propose what is known as the kinetic theory of gases: that gas, like all matter, is composed of tiny molecules in constant motion. In the 1730s, he conducted experiments in the conservation of energy using liquids, observing how water flows through pipes of varying diameter. In a segment of pipe with a relatively large diameter, he observed, water flowed slowly, but as it entered a segment of smaller diameter, its speed increased.

It was clear that some force had to be acting on the water to increase its speed. Earlier, Robert Boyle (1627-1691) had demonstrated that pressure and volume have an inverse relationship, and Bernoulli seems to have applied Boyle's findings to the present situation. Clearly the volume of water flowing through the narrower pipe at any given moment was less than that flowing through the wider one. This suggested, according to Boyle's law, that the pressure in the wider pipe must be greater.

As fluid moves from a wider pipe to a narrower one, the volume of that fluid that moves a given distance in a given time period does not change. But since the width of the narrower pipe is smaller, the fluid must move faster in order to achieve that result. One way to illustrate this is to observe the behavior of a river: in a wide, unconstricted region, it flows slowly, but if its flow is narrowed by canyon walls (for instance), then it speeds up dramatically.

The above is a result of the fact that water is a fluid, and having the characteristics of a fluid, it adjusts its shape to fit that of its container or other solid objects it encounters on its path. Since the volume passing through a given length of pipe during a given period of time will be the same, there must be a decrease in pressure. Hence Bernoulli's conclusion: the slower the rate of flow, the higher the pressure, and the faster the rate of flow, the lower the pressure.

Bernoulli published the results of his work in Hydrodynamica (1738), but did not present his ideas or their implications clearly. Later, his friend the German mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) generalized his findings in the statement known today as Bernoulli's principle.

The Venturi Tube:

Also significant was the work of the Italian physicist Giovanni Venturi (1746-1822), who is credited with developing the Venturi tube, an instrument for measuring the drop in pressure that takes place as the velocity of a fluid increases. It consists of a glass tube with an inward-sloping area in the middle, and manometers, devices for measuring pressure, at three places: the entrance, the point of constriction, and the exit. The Venturi meter provided a consistent means of demonstrating Bernoulli's principle.

Like many propositions in physics, Bernoulli's principle describes an ideal situation in the absence of other forces. One such force is viscosity, the internal friction in a fluid that makes it resistant to flow. In 1904, the German physicist Ludwig Prandtl (1875-1953) was conducting experiments in liquid flow, the first effort in well over a century to advance the findings of Bernoulli and others. Observing the flow of liquid in a tube, Prandtl found that a tiny portion of the liquid adheres to the surface of the tube in the form of a thin film, and does not continue to move. This he called the viscous boundary layer.

Like Bernoulli's principle itself, Prandtl's findings would play a significant part in aerodynamics, or the study of airflow and its principles. They are also significant in hydrodynamics, or the study of water flow and its principles, a discipline Bernoulli founded.

Laminar vs. Turbulent Flow:

Air and water are both examples of fluids, substances which—whether gas or liquid—conform to the shape of their container. The flow patterns of all fluids may be described in terms either of laminar flow, or of its opposite, turbulent flow.

Laminar flow is smooth and regular, always moving at the same speed and in the same direction. Also known as streamlined flow, it is characterized by a situation in which every particle of fluid that passes a particular point follows a path identical to all particles that passed that point earlier. A good illustration of laminar flow is what occurs when a stream flows around a twig.

By contrast, in turbulent flow, the fluid is subject to continual changes in speed and direction—as, for instance, when a stream flows over shoals of rocks. Whereas the mathematical model of laminar flow is rather straightforward, conditions are much more complex in turbulent flow, which typically occurs in the presence of obstacles or high speeds.

Turbulent flow makes it more difficult for two streams of air, separated after hitting a barrier, to rejoin on the other side of the barrier; yet that is their natural tendency. In fact, if a single air current hits an airfoil—the design of an airplane's wing when seen from the end, a streamlined shape intended to maximize the aircraft's response to airflow—the air that flows over the top will "try" to reach the back end of the airfoil at the same time as the air that flows over the bottom. In order to do so, it will need to speed up—and this, as will be shown below, is the basis for what makes an airplane fly.

When viscosity is absent, conditions of perfect laminar flow exist: an object behaves in complete alignment with Bernoulli's principle. Of course, though ideal conditions seldom occur in the real world, Bernoulli's principle provides a guide for the behavior of planes in flight, as well as a host of everyday things.

Real-Life Applications:

Flying Machines:

For thousands of years, human beings vainly sought to fly "like a bird," not realizing that this is literally impossible, due to differences in physiognomy between birds and homo sapiens. No man has ever been born (or ever will be) who possesses enough strength in his chest that he could flap a set of attached wings and lift his body off the ground. Yet the bird's physical structure proved highly useful to designers of practical flying machines.

A bird's wing is curved along the top, so that when air passes over the wing and divides, the curve forces the air on top to travel a greater distance than the air on the bottom. The tendency of airflow, as noted earlier, is to correct for the presence of solid objects and to return to its original pattern as quickly as possible. Hence, when the air hits the front of the wing, the rate of flow at the top increases to compensate for the greater distance it has to travel than the air below the wing. And as shown by Bernoulli, fast-moving fluid exerts less pressure than slow-moving fluid; therefore, there is a difference in pressure between the air below and the air above, and this keeps the wing aloft.

Only in 1853 did Sir George Cayley (1773-1857) incorporate the avian airfoil to create history's first workable (though engine-less) flying machine, a glider. Much, much older than Cayley's glider, however, was the first manmade flying machine built "according to Bernoulli's principle"—only it first appeared in about 12,000 b.c., and the people who created it had little contact with the outside world until the late eighteenth century a.d. This was the boomerang, one of the most ingenious devices ever created by a stone-age society—in this case, the Aborigines of Australia.

Contrary to the popular image, a boomerang flies through the air on a plane perpendicular to the ground, rather than parallel. Hence, any thrower who properly knows how tosses the boomerang not with a side-arm throw, but overhand. As it flies, the boomerang becomes both a gyroscope and an airfoil, and this dual role gives it aerodynamic lift.

Like the gyroscope, the boomerang imitates a top; spinning keeps it stable. It spins through the air, its leading wing (the forward or upward wing) creating more lift than the other wing. As an airfoil, the boomerang is designed so that the air below exerts more pressure than the air above, which keeps it airborne.

Another very early example of a flying machine using Bernoulli's principles is the kite, which first appeared in China in about 1000 b.c. The kite's design, particularly its use of lightweight fabric stretched over two crossed strips of very light wood, makes it well-suited for flight, but what keeps it in the air is a difference in air pressure. At the best possible angle of attack, the kite experiences an ideal ratio of pressure from the slower-moving air below versus the faster-moving air above, and this gives it lift.

Later Cayley studied the operation of the kite, and recognized that it—rather than the balloon, which at first seemed the most promising apparatus for flight—was an appropriate model for the type of heavier-than-air flying machine he intended to build. Due to the lack of a motor, however, Cayley's prototypical airplane could never be more than a glider: a steam engine, then state-of-the-art technology, would have been much too heavy.

Hence, it was only with the invention of the internal-combustion engine that the modern airplane came into being. On December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville (1871-1948) and Wilbur (1867-1912) Wright tested a craft that used a 25-horsepower engine they had developed at their bicycle shop in Ohio. By maximizing the ratio of power to weight, the engine helped them overcome the obstacles that had dogged recent attempts at flight, and by the time the day was over, they had achieved a dream that had eluded men for more than four millennia.

Within fifty years, airplanes would increasingly obtain their power from jet rather than internal-combustion engines. But the principle that gave them flight, and the principle that kept them aloft once they were airborne, reflected back to Bernoulli's findings of more than 160 years before their time. This is the concept of the airfoil.

As noted earlier, an airfoil has a streamlined design. Its shape is rather like that of an elongated, asymmetrical teardrop lying on its side, with the large end toward the direction of airflow, and the narrow tip pointing toward the rear. The greater curvature of its upper surface in comparison to the lower side is referred to as the airplane's camber. The front end of the airfoil is also curved, and the chord line is an imaginary straight line connecting the spot where the air hits the front—known as the stagnation point—to the rear, or trailing edge, of the wing.

Again, in accordance with Bernoulli's principle, the shape of the airflow facilitates the spread of laminar flow around it. The slower-moving currents beneath the airfoil exert greater pressure than the faster currents above it, giving lift to the aircraft. Of course, the aircraft has to be moving at speeds sufficient to gain momentum for its leap from the ground into the air, and here again, Bernoulli's principle plays a part.

Thrust comes from the engines, which run the propellers—whose blades in turn are designed as miniature airfoils to maximize their power by harnessing airflow. Like the aircraft wings, the blades' angle of attack—the angle at which airflow hits it. In stable flight, the pilot greatly increases the angle of attack (also called pitched), whereas at takeoff and landing, the pitch is dramatically reduced.
Drawing Fluids Upward: Atomizers and Chimneys

A number of everyday objects use Bernoulli's principle to draw fluids upward, and though in terms of their purposes, they might seem very different—for instance, a perfume atomizer vs. a chimney—they are closely related in their application of pressure differences. In fact, the idea behind an atomizer for a perfume spray bottle can also be found in certain garden-hose attachments, such as those used to provide a high-pres-sure car wash.

The air inside the perfume bottle is moving relatively slowly; therefore, according to Bernoulli's principle, its pressure is relatively high, and it exerts a strong downward force on the perfume itself. In an atomizer there is a narrow tube running from near the bottom of the bottle to the top. At the top of the perfume bottle, it opens inside another tube, this one perpendicular to the first tube. At one end of the horizontal tube is a simple squeeze-pump which causes air to flow quickly through it. As a result, the pressure toward the top of the bottle is reduced, and the perfume flows upward along the vertical tube, drawn from the area of higher pressure at the bottom. Once it is in the upper tube, the squeeze-pump helps to eject it from the spray nozzle.

A carburetor works on a similar principle, though in that case the lower pressure at the top draws air rather than liquid. Likewise a chimney draws air upward, and this explains why a windy day outside makes for a better fire inside. With wind blowing over the top of the chimney, the air pressure at the top is reduced, and tends to draw higher-pressure air from down below.

The upward pull of air according to the Bernoulli principle can also be illustrated by what is sometimes called the "Hoover bugle"—a name perhaps dating from the Great Depression, when anything cheap or contrived bore the appellation "Hoover" as a reflection of popular dissatisfaction with President Herbert Hoover. In any case, the Hoover bugle is simply a long corrugated tube that, when swung overhead, produces musical notes.

Spin, Curve, and Pull: The Counterintuitive Principle:

There are several other interesting illustrations—sometimes fun and in one case potentially tragic—of Bernoulli's principle. For instance, there is the reason why a shower curtain billows inward once the shower is turned on. It would seem logical at first that the pressure created by the water would push the curtain outward, securing it to the side of the bathtub.

Instead, of course, the fast-moving air generated by the flow of water from the shower creates a center of lower pressure, and this causes the curtain to move away from the slower-moving air outside. This is just one example of the ways in which Bernoulli's principle creates results that, on first glance at least, seem counterintuitive—that is, the opposite of what common sense would dictate.

Another fascinating illustration involves placing two empty soft drink cans parallel to one another on a table, with a couple of inches or a few centimeters between them. At that point, the air on all sides has the same slow speed. If you were to blow directly between the cans, however, this would create an area of low pressure between them. As a result, the cans push together. For ships in a harbor, this can be a frightening prospect: hence, if two crafts are parallel to one another and a strong wind blows between them, there is a possibility that they may behave like the cans.

Then there is one of the most illusory uses of Bernoulli's principle, that infamous baseball pitcher's trick called the curve ball. As the ball moves through the air toward the plate, its velocity creates an air stream moving against the trajectory of the ball itself. Imagine it as two lines, one curving over the ball and one curving under, as the ball moves in the opposite direction.

In an ordinary throw, the effects of the airflow would not be particularly intriguing, but in this case, the pitcher has deliberately placed a "spin" on the ball by the manner in which he has thrown it. How pitchers actually produce spin is a complex subject unto itself, involving grip, wrist movement, and other factors, and in any case, the fact of the spin is more important than the way in which it was achieved.

If the direction of airflow is from right to left, the ball, as it moves into the airflow, is spinning clockwise. This means that the air flowing over the ball is moving in a direction opposite to the spin, whereas that flowing under it is moving in the same direction. The opposite forces produce a drag on the top of the ball, and this cuts down on the velocity at the top compared to that at the bottom of the ball, where spin and airflow are moving in the same direction.

Thus the air pressure is higher at the top of the ball, and as per Bernoulli's principle, this tends to pull the ball downward. The curve ball—of which there are numerous variations, such as the fade and the slider—creates an unpredictable situation for the batter, who sees the ball leave the pitcher's hand at one altitude, but finds to his dismay that it has dropped dramatically by the time it crosses the plate.

A final illustration of Bernoulli's often counterintuitive principle neatly sums up its effects on the behavior of objects. To perform the experiment, you need only an index card and a flat surface. The index card should be folded at the ends so that when the card is parallel to the surface, the ends are perpendicular to it. These folds should be placed about half an inch from the ends.

At this point, it would be handy to have an unsuspecting person—someone who has not studied Bernoulli's principle—on the scene, and challenge him or her to raise the card by blowing under it. Nothing could seem easier, of course: by blowing under the card, any person would naturally assume, the air will lift it. But of course this is completely wrong according to Bernoulli's principle. Blowing under the card, as illustrated, will create an area of high velocity and low pressure. This will do nothing to lift the card: in fact, it only pushes the card more firmly down on the table.


Beiser, Arthur. Physics, 5th ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1991.

"Bernoulli's Principle: Explanations and Demos." (Web site). <> (February 22, 2001).

Cockpit Physics (Department of Physics, United States Air Force Academy. Web site.). <> (February 19, 2001).

K8AIT Principles of Aeronautics Advanced Text. (Web site). <> (February 19, 2001).

Schrier, Eric and William F. Allman. Newton at the Bat: The Science in Sports. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1984.

Smith, H. C. The Illustrated Guide to Aerodynamics. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Books, 1992.

Stever, H. Guyford, James J. Haggerty, and the Editors of Time-Life Books. Flight. New York: Time-Life Books, 1965.

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Wednesday 7 January 2015

                           OUTSTANDING MYSTERIES OF SCIENCE.

The word "science" stems from the Latin "scientia" meaning "knowledge," and it's a root that makes perfect sense, as the practice heavily relies on the study of the natural world, be it physical, chemical, biological, or geological.

10 Science Principles See in Action Every Day

# 10

The Doppler Effect In Metrology:

When you hear an ambulance, police car, or other emergency vehicle in the distance, ever noticed how the pitch of the siren changes, first becoming higher as it approaches, then lower as it passes? What you're hearing is a result of a shift in the frequency of sound waves around the object, which is known more commonly as the Doppler Effect. It's named after Austrian mathematician and physicist Christian Doppler who first discovered this principle in the mid-1800s [source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association]. When something is moving toward you, sound waves bunch up, leading to an increase in pitch due to this compression. When it's moving away from you, the waves start to expand, leading to a decrease in sound.

The word "Doppler" may also bring to mind "Doppler radar," a term frequently thrown into the mix when it comes to meteorology.Most meteorologists rely on the Doppler radar system to provide accurate results on the distance and direction of rain. The Doppler Effect serves as a part of this process. The radar system uses a high-powered antenna to send out radio wave pulses. The amount needed for the pulses to bounce off the rain and return to the source is used to calculate the rain's distance and direction.

  Doppler Radar:

Police officers may not enjoy the comparison—given the public's general impression of bats as evil, blood-thirsty creatures—but in using radar as a basis to check for speeding violations, the police are applying a principle similar to that used by bats.The change in frequency experienced as a result of the Doppler effect is exactly twice the ratio between the velocity of the target (for instance, a speeding car) and the speed with which the radar pulse is directed toward the target. From this formula, it is possible to determine the velocity of the target when the frequency change and speed of radar propagation are known. The police officer's Doppler radar performs these calculations; then all the officer has to do is pull over the speeder and write a ticket.
 The Doppler Effect In Astronomy:

The Doppler effect is of intense interest to astronomers who use the information about the shift in frequency of electromagnetic waves produced by moving stars in our galaxy and beyond in order to derive information about those stars and galaxies. The belief that the universe is expanding is based in part upon observations of electromagnetic waves emitted by stars in distant galaxies. Furthermore, specific information about stars within galaxies can be determined by application of the Doppler effect. Galaxies are clusters of stars that typically rotate about some center of mass point. Electromagnetic radiation emitted by such stars in a distant galaxy would appear to be shifted downward in frequency (a red shift) if the star is rotating in its cluster in a direction that is away from the Earth. On the other hand, there is an upward shift in frequency (a blue shift) of such observed radiation if the star is rotating in a direction that is towards the Earth.

Doppler Ultrasound Diagnoses:

Because Doppler is used to measure changes in sound waves, it is used to diagnose conditions related to circulation and blood flow. The Doppler ultrasound can actually measure how fast or slow blood is moving, which can indicate a circulatory problem. Blood clots can be found using Doppler ultrasound because the ultrasound will be able to detect slower blood flow or a lack of blood flow where the clot is located. Doppler ultrasound can also be used to identify narrowed arteries, plaque buildup in the blood vessels, or blocked arteries. Found early, many of these conditions can be treated before they become more serious.

Doppler Ultrasound Benefits:

The main benefit of Doppler ultrasound is that it is less invasive than other procedures used to identify these types of medical problems. The ultrasound is perform on the outside of the body and is not painful. Some discomfort may be experienced as the transducer is used, but it is often minimal. Because the ultrasound is not invasive, there are fewer risks to using it as a diagnostic test and many patients are able to have serious conditions detected without having to spend extensive time in the hospital.